NDR Growth Tac琀椀cs 5: Reduce Package Downsell The 昀椀昀琀h NDR lever is reducing down-sell, where customers move from a more expensive to a less expensive package. How can one avoid this, or at least minimize the impact? We explore this challenge here. NDR Growth Tac琀椀cs 4: Avoid Package Shrinkage The fourth NDR lever is avoiding, or minimizing, package shrinkage. One thing that can reduce NDR is a reduc琀椀on in revenue from an exis琀椀ng package. What can we do to eliminate, or at least minimize package shrinkage? NDR Growth Tac琀椀cs 3: Promote Cross-Sell The third NDR level is to promote cross-sell. NDR applies at the customer level so cross-selling will improve NDR. Cross-sell can include both value-added services and addi琀椀onal product lines. Both can have a big impact on revenue and pro昀椀tability. NDR Growth Tac琀椀cs 2: Drive Upsell Companies op琀椀mizing NDR have six levers to pull, three posi琀椀ve, and three nega琀椀ve. In this post we look at the second of the posi琀椀ve levers: driving upsell across packages. NDR Growth Tac琀椀cs 1: Grow in Package Companies op琀椀mizing NDR have six levers to pull, three posi琀椀ve, and three nega琀椀ve. In this post, we look at the 昀椀rst of the posi琀椀ve levers. Managing Packaging Performance to Op琀椀mize SaaS To op琀椀mize Net Dollar Reten琀椀on (NDR) one needs to track package performance closely and op琀椀mize monthly. What should be tracked? What ac琀椀ons should be taken? How Pricing Can Help Fix NDR Challenges Net Dollar Reten琀椀on (NDR) or Net Revenue Reten琀椀on (NRR) is a key metric that investors are using to measure the health of their por琀昀olio companies. Pricing and packaging have a big impact on this metric, but not always in the ways one expects. How can pricing help improve NDR? PeakSpan & Ibbaka Net Revenue Reten琀椀on Research Report September 2023 46