Minimize Churn and Boost Your Net Dollar Reten琀椀on (Podcast Run琀椀me: 33 Minutes) In this episode with Mark S琀椀ving from Impact Pricing, Karen Chiang discusses the importance of linking your pricing to value and crea琀椀ng pricing packages that accurately re昀氀ect the value provided to consumers. They delve into the importance of net dollar reten琀椀on for assessing opera琀椀onal revenue and customer rela琀椀onships while exploring the art of packaging by seamlessly aligning value with pricing. Dive into the levers of net dollar reten琀椀on to unveil the genuine value your customers are in search of while eleva琀椀ng your comprehension and re昀椀ning your strategy for enduring success. Checklist for Pricing and Net Dollar Reten琀椀on (Downloadable Checklist) Net Dollar Reten琀椀on is a key metric that investors are tracking, given today’s current market condi琀椀ons. This checklist will able you to use pricing to improve net dollar reten琀椀on. Gain key takeaways so you can take ac琀椀on at your respec琀椀ve companies. BLOG ARTICLE RESOURCES Priori琀椀zing NDR Growth Choices In the 昀椀nal installment of our comprehensive explora琀椀on of Net Dollar Reten琀椀on (NDR), or Net Revenue Reten琀椀on (NRR), we delve into the cri琀椀cal strategies and pa琀琀erns that drive success. Spanning eight enlightening posts, we began with an overview of NDR’s signi昀椀cance in op琀椀mizing SaaS performance, followed by a thorough examina琀椀on of the six key levers you can harness to achieve your NDR objec琀椀ves, focusing on posi琀椀ve enhancements and reducing nega琀椀ve factors. NDR Growth Tac琀椀cs 6: Managing Churn The sixth NDR lever is churn management. Churn is the great enemy of SaaS businesses and understanding why churn is happening and how to reduce it is a cri琀椀cal part of managing a SaaS business. Churn is the denominator in the equa琀椀on for customer life琀椀me value. PeakSpan & Ibbaka Net Revenue Reten琀椀on Research Report September 2023 45