Pricing Metrics for API Integrators Another emerging SaaS business model is API integra琀椀on. Examples of this are Muleso昀琀, Zapier, and Major cloud providers also have solu琀椀ons like Apigee from Google and Microso昀琀 Azure API management. Many di昀昀erent pricing metrics are at play here as well. The number of nodes connected is the most common pricing metric, with the number of transac琀椀ons a close second. When the value of transac琀椀ons is added to the number of transac琀椀ons, transac琀椀on-based pricing has a slight edge. API integrators are also one of the leading ver琀椀cals when it comes to the adop琀椀on of usage metrics. Figure 30: Pricing Metrics for API Integra琀椀on PeakSpan & Ibbaka Net Revenue Reten琀椀on Research Report September 2023 39