EdTech also relies on Product-Led Growth and sells mostly to Business Professionals and Small and Medium Businesses (SMB). Product-Led Growth is not a panacea, economic headwinds will lower NRR regardless of the growth mo琀椀on. For HR, the data is more divergent. 89% of the 27 respondents are expec琀椀ng NRR < 100, but almost 26% are expec琀椀ng NRR > 120. The high performers in HR are more likely to o昀昀er mul琀椀ple solu琀椀ons, either in the form of several independent modules or in the pla琀昀orm with an extension pa琀琀ern. Virtually all led with a Product-Led Growth mo琀椀on. The poor performers also used Product-Led Growth, but they relied more on Sales-Led Growth and Partner-Led Growth. The high performers rely on Community-Led Growth as a suppor琀椀ng growth mo琀椀on. High performers use customer success or dedicated teams to drive NRR, while poor performers rely on sales Table 3: Comparing High NRR Performers with to manage NRR. Low NRR Performers in HR High performers are focussed on growth One of the key ques琀椀ons we asked in the survey was which of the six growth levers is being priori琀椀zed. The simple answer is that high performers priori琀椀ze Grow in Package. This means that they have pricing metrics that allow this to happen and that customer success is working to increase use and value. The low performers, with nega琀椀ve NRR, are focused on the nega琀椀ve levers, and mostly on reducing churn. PeakSpan & Ibbaka Net Revenue Reten琀椀on Research Report September 2023 15