KEY FINDINGS → Overall, NRR is expected to decline slightly from 2022 to 2023 → The top performing ver琀椀cals are Ar琀椀昀椀cial Intelligence and Data Analysis, but companies with high NRR can be found in virtually every ver琀椀cal → Companies with high NRR performance are focussed on growth (growing in package, upsell and cross sell) as they have already solved for churn → The most e昀昀ec琀椀ve way to manage NRR is with a dedicated team; the least e昀昀ec琀椀ve way is to rely on sales → Companies with hybrid pricing (two or more price metrics) outperform companies that rely on one price metric, especially if that metric is number of users ACTIONS TO TAKE 1. Address churn 2. Manage discoun琀椀ng 3. Design pricing metrics for growth in package 4. Design packaging to encourage upsell 5. Add cross sell opportuni琀椀es PeakSpan & Ibbaka Net Revenue Reten琀椀on Research Report September 2023 4