The least common pa琀琀ern. → (Seen with 4 companies.) — Reduce down-sell — Reduce shrinkage in package — Reduce churn + Grow in package + Increase upsell + Increase cross-sell NRR growth lever choices are a key part of any growth strategy. The choice will depend on the problems that must be addressed (beginning with churn), followed by those with the largest upside. Choose a package architecture that will give you the most op琀椀ons to improve NRR. PRICING METRICS AND NRR Pricing metrics have been a key focus of pricing design over the last few years. A pricing metric is: The unit of consump琀椀on for which a buyer pays. It is contrasted with the value metric. The unit of consump琀椀on by which a user gets value. In value-based pricing, one looks for pricing metrics that track value metrics. The SaaS industry is making slow progress toward this. The most common pricing metric remains per user (see Figure 17 above). This is where the early SaaS companies like Salesforce began and it has become the default. See Ibbaka’s User pricing metrics update published in July 2023. We are seeing more and more di昀昀erent pricing metrics in SaaS, and, as important, more and more companies using hybrid pricing where two or more pricing metrics are in play. One of the 昀椀ndings of this survey is that companies with two or more pricing metrics have be琀琀er NRR performance. Several new pricing metrics surfaced in this survey, associated with AI and with API integra琀椀ons. PeakSpan & Ibbaka Net Revenue Reten琀椀on Research Report September 2023 37