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WHAT TO LEARN 12 Every company needs its own list of what it needs to learn - developing this list is the 昀椀rst step in planning pricing ac琀椀ons for 2024 (you can only learn by taking ac琀椀on). Here are some possible ques琀椀ons to get you started, but you need your own list. None of these ques琀椀ons can be answered inside the walls of your own organiza琀椀on. How do your customers get value? How does a price change impact demand? How does a price change impact revenue? How does a price change rebalance demand for di昀昀erent packages? How do compe琀椀tors respond to a price change? Is our price fair, given the value we provide customers? What packages or func琀椀onality do our customers value most? … value least? Do we really need to discount? If so, how much? Ibbaka’s Pricing Planning Guide & Checklist for 2024 November 2023

Ibbaka Pricing Planning Checklist - Page 12 Ibbaka Pricing Planning Checklist Page 11 Page 13