Pricing Metric The AI-associated pricing metric per token, the number and value of transac琀椀ons, and usage- based pricing are all associated with higher NRR performance. Per-user pricing metrics are associated with poor NRR performance, in part because they are used in the HR and EdTech ver琀椀cals which are expected to underperform this year. The key to success appears to be to have more than one pricing metric and to have one pricing metric that is stable (like per-user pricing) and one pricing metric that is more variable, like the number or value of transac琀椀ons or a usage-based metric. Comparing the top NRR performers with the lowest NRR performers - by Pricing Metric Figure 27: NRR Performance by Pricing Metric PeakSpan & Ibbaka Net Revenue Reten琀椀on Research Report September 2023 33