Add cross sell opportuni琀椀es Cross-sell is another way to improve NRR. Of course, it only works if there is something to cross- sell! This is where the Independent Modules pa琀琀ern comes in. HubSpot is a good example (see below). They have a set of independent models that work together to create value, but each module can be bought separately. Ideally, modules are designed so that they are sold to the same buyer, or at least to buyers who in昀氀uence each other. The value of a module should increase when another module is purchased. With HubSpot, the Opera琀椀ons Hub can be used to clean data and automate processes used in the Marke琀椀ng Hub and the Sales Hub. The Marke琀椀ng Hub provides leads into the Sales Hub, and so on. Note the value proposi琀椀on in the Service Hub. Figure 3: Hubspot’s O昀昀erings “Turn happy customers into growth.” That is an NRR value message! PeakSpan & Ibbaka Net Revenue Reten琀椀on Research Report September 2023 11