LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Figures Figure 25: NRR Performance by Package Architecture Figure 1: The Six NRR Factors Figure 26: NRR Performance by Organiza琀椀on Design Figure 2: Ten Common SaaS Packaging Pa琀琀erns Figure 27: NRR Performance by Pricing Metric Figure 3: Hubspot’s O昀昀erings Figure 28: NRR Performance and NRR Growth Levers Figure 4: NRR Performance Expecta琀椀ons for 2023 Figure 29: Pricing Metrics used in AI Figure 5: Survey Respondents by SaaS Ver琀椀cal Figure 30: Pricing metrics for API Integra琀椀on Figure 6: NRR Performance by SaaS Ver琀椀cal Figure 31: Market Targets of Survey Respondents Figure 7: NRR Performance and the Six NRR Growth Factors Figure 32: SaaS Ver琀椀cals of Survey Respondents Figure 8: Organiza琀椀onal Responsibility for NRR Performance Figure 33: ARR of Survey Respondents Figure 9: NRR Performance by Organiza琀椀onal Responsibility Figure 34: Roles of Survey Respondents Figure 10: The Six Growth Mo琀椀ons Figure 11: Distribu琀椀on of Primary Growth Mo琀椀ons in Survey Tables Figure 12: NRR Performance by Growth Mo琀椀on Table 1: Snow昀氀ake NRR Figure 13: Distribu琀椀on of Package Architectures in Survey Table 2: NRR High Performers and Low Performers Figure 14: NRR Performance and Packaging Architecture Table 3: Comparing High NRR Performers with Low NRR Figure 15: NRR by Target Market in Survey Performers in HR Figure 16: NRR Performance by Target Market Table 4: Focus on Growing in Package vs. Focus on Reducing Churn Figure 17: Distribu琀椀on of Pricing Metrics in Survey Table 5: Product-Led Growth vs. Sales-Led Growth Figure 18: NRR Performance by Pricing Metric Table 6: Characteris琀椀cs of High vs. Low NRR Performers Figure 19: Professional Services Contribu琀椀on by Target Market Figure 20: NRR Performance by Professional Service Contribu琀椀on Figure 21: Con昀椀dence in NRR Projec琀椀ons for High and Low Performers Figure 22: NRR Performance by Target Market Figure 23: NRR Performance by Industry Ver琀椀cal Figure 24: NRR Performance by Growth Mo琀椀on PeakSpan & Ibbaka Net Revenue Reten琀椀on Research Report September 2023 43