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HAVE PRICING PRINCIPLES 5 Is it clear how we set prices? Can we explain our pricing to ourselves? Can we explain our pricing to our customers? Is our website clear on how we price? Can sales communicate our pricing? Is our pricing unbiased? Do we treat all our customers in a way that respects their backgrounds and needs and does not take advantage of their situa琀椀on or weakness? Are we crea琀椀ng di昀昀eren琀椀ated value? Do we base our prices on the value we deliver to our customers (V2C)? Do we adjust prices based on the value we are crea琀椀ng? Are we sharing that value with our customers? Ibbaka’s Pricing Planning Guide & Checklist for 2024 November 2023

Ibbaka Pricing Planning Checklist - Page 5 Ibbaka Pricing Planning Checklist Page 4 Page 6