FREE GOOD BETTER BEST ENTERPRISE Package Role Volume Target Volume Actual Volume Difference Volume Y/Y Change Volume Previous Period Change Revenue Target Revenue Actual Revenue Difference Revenue Y/Y Change Revenue Previous Period Change Value Ratio Target Value Ratio Actual Value Ratio Difference Value Ratio Y/Y Change Value Ratio Previous Period Change Discounted Accounts Target Discounted Accounts Actual Discounted Accounts Difference Discounted Accounts Y/Y Change Discounted Accounts Previous Period Change Discount Amount Target Discount Amount Actual Discount Amount Difference Discount Amount Y/Y Change Discount Amount Previous Period Change The Checklist for Pricing and Net Dollar Reten琀椀on should be set up as part of the Annual Strategic Plan and then reviewed at a regular cadence (for most SaaS businesses this is a monthly or quarterly cycle). Ibbaka’s Checklist for Pricing & Net Dollar Retention April 2023