Growth Mo琀椀on and NRR Does growth mo琀椀on in昀氀uence NRR performance? Ibbaka tracks 6 di昀昀erent growth mo琀椀ons: • Sales-Led Growth • Community-Led Growth • Product-Led Growth • Service-Led Growth • Partner-Led Growth • Rela琀椀onship-Led Growth The dominant approach is Sales-Led Growth (almost 48%) with Product-Led Growth a distant second at just over 27%. Partner-Led Growth, in which channel sales play the leading role, was third at 15% and Service-Led Growth a distant fourth. Community-Led Growth is s琀椀ll small in the SaaS market and Rela琀椀onship-Led Growth was about 1%. Figure 10: The Six Growth Mo琀椀ons PeakSpan & Ibbaka Net Revenue Reten琀椀on Research Report September 2023 18