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30 Each company should have its own list of cri琀椀cal uncertain琀椀es. Here are some ideas to get you started. Customers will 昀椀nd ways to implement AI in ways that make your solu琀椀on irrelevant Compe琀椀tors will 昀椀nd ways to implement AI in ways that make your solu琀椀on irrelevant Costs increase (compu琀椀ng, storage, bandwidth, perhaps as a result of AI usage) A compe琀椀tor cuts prices A compe琀椀tor raises prices A new compe琀椀tor emerges with a di昀昀erent business model (maybe a mul琀椀-sided market) Government introduces new regula琀椀ons on data sharing across customers Ibbaka’s Pricing Planning Guide & Checklist for 2024 November 2023

Ibbaka Pricing Planning Checklist - Page 30 Ibbaka Pricing Planning Checklist Page 29 Page 31